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My group and I have been running missions for each other on off weeks when we can't all attend our usual game and the entire group has caught the firmament bug. It keeps the attention of some of our sleepier players too, and though I ran the game way too hard our first playthrough, they weren't discouraged and loved the loose ideas we started playing with. 

One of the players has created a new discipline, I'll bug him about polishing it.

Glad to hear you've enjoyed the game! And if your player ever feels like sharing the discipline, I'd love to see it


I've been having SO much fun playing this game. The time my group played took a little getting used to as we were all more used to slower moving systems but once you get used to it it's WONDERFUL. Everything hits hard and fast(including enemies!! Watch out) and there's a lot of fun to be had with powers. Absolutely give this a shot. I'd say start up takes about 15-20 minutes and gameplay for missions about 2-3 hours.

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it

This is beautiful, Erin. I will definitely try it!

Thank you!

Did you mean to make it a pdf? I don't think I have anything that can open .indd files.

.indd are the working files for InDesign. Safe to say, this was likely accidental.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It's a pdf now